The ten commandments of child learning

The human being is naturally gifted to learn, in fact, our species is specialized in the ability to learn. No other living being has a capacity like ours and our success as a species is based on how we can understand the natural and cultural environment and use it creatively. To help you better understand the natural learning process we offer these ten commandments of child learning.

Children, small human beings, come "standard" prepared for learning, it is a natural impulse for which they are gifted. Our role, in general, will be that of facilitators, companions, observers and guides. More than teaching, we will have to be present and not disturb the natural process with wrong interventions.

  1. Every healthy child is born with your own learning program. Learning to talk and walk is something totally natural for which children are not going to need anything more than what we let them experience and be with us. Other skills and knowledge will also be acquired by absorbing the environment and analyzing what reference adults do or say. The most complex, "school" type learning will be learned as long as the child is truly interested in them, not otherwise, because understanding the world is something that every human being wants to do.
  2. The game It is the natural process by which the child learns. There is no doubt that mammals learn through play and in the case of children this provision is especially clear. With the game the child is a scientist, engineer, cook and social being, using his intelligence and experimentation to overcome challenges and assimilate complex concepts.
  3. Each child has their own, personal and particular way of learningr. There are different intelligences and all of them are part of human development, with each person having special skills to use these intelligences to adapt to the environment. Forcing or limiting the learning style of each human being only hinders the process.
  4. Each child has a own learning and development calendar. Observing the maturation stages we will discover that the rhythm of each child is personal and not interchangeable. We must be patient and know how to accompany each achievement.
  5. The child learns by imitation, so allowing you to accompany us and participate in daily life is the best educational environment that exists. The family is the first and most important educational nucleus and we should always be aware that the child will learn more than we do from what we say needs to be done. Separating children early from their parents does not favor their intellectual or social development, so, if that is indispensable, we must remember that the child's natural need was to stay with us and compensate them for the time we can be together.
  6. When a child is prepared to learn something, he will learn it. Let's recover confidence in their innate abilities. Nothing is gained by pressing, forcing, punishing or rewarding learning, much less by advancing them. Endeavor to advance literacy, for example, in the long run away from the goal that is to help the child to be a passionate reader with a capacity for understanding and enjoyment. And as in literacy, with everything else.
  7. The confidence that it is able to learn is the basis of all future learning. Just as helping the child when it is not necessary can slow down his confidence, recriminate or penalize the error also hurts him.
  8. Never interrupt a child who is learning or playing something passionately. Passion is the real basis of any meaningful learning.
  9. The child needs a safe environment and clear boundaries to fully develop. Adults must guarantee their physical and emotional security.
  10. Children learn both from their achievements and from your mistakes. Remember that error is the natural instrument to learn and that only the one who is wrong will discover how to achieve his goal in a creative way

With these ten commandments of child learning We can better accompany the development and education of our children and students. With confidence and respect, little humans will achieve what nature has endowed them with so well: to be wise.

Video: Kids Learn the Ten Commandments (July 2024).