Dads and Moms Blogs (CCVII)

As every Tuesday we look at the ma (pa) terrestrial blogosphere to share with you the contents published in the dads and moms blogs that have attracted our attention in recent days.

We begin our review by stopping at Beyond pink or blue where Jaione talks to us about shopping for babies, especially about those purchases Faces of Babies and Children that have just come out Cheap. We already know that the most expensive is not always the best, but it is also true that there are investments that if you start thinking we end up getting cheap.

In Mother's blog I found a fun entry about reasonable similarities. Indeed, it is one of the first things we look at the newborn, even before telling him the fingers. From there comments of all kinds are unleashed ... and yes, some very out of place. Do not miss it!

To continue having fun we enter Welcome to Babia, where Yolandica speaks to us nothing more or nothing less than the second and the place that the children of the environment occupy in the family. Do you think they are special? In my case, no doubt.

A blog that I did not know and I liked a lot is Stars in the eyes in which Trax tells about his infertility fight and shares his journey through the adoption process. In L'adoption - La Penultima! He recounts one of the many steps he is going through to fulfill the great dream of finally having his son in his arms.

Also super recommended, especially for mothers who have expectations about the sex of the baby, is the reading of the post of children in Blogging about my little one and other things. Share your feeling

Finally, I want to show you a craft to do with the kids I've seen in The chocolate blog, whose photo illustrates this post. It's a snare and I loved it for how colorful, how fun and easy it is. I encourage you to awaken the creativity of your children with this original project and have a good time with them, which is definitely what it is all about.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Embarrassing Beach Day - Summer Funny Skits - Miss Mom Vlogs : Sketch Comedy. GEM Sisters (July 2024).