KitCaixa in schools for young entrepreneurs aged 14 to 18

Lately it seems that everything is entrepreneurship, do it yourself (do it yourself), byod (bring your own device) and take advantage of Your Opportunity. The fact is that we are probably attending a new way of relating in the workplace. Large companies are becoming less frequent, due to globality, and what remains is a long line of dynamic, innovative, facilitating and willing companies to rethink over time. So it is normal that a lot of focus is being placed on entrepreneurship and on the generation of very specialized autonomous people with the ability to constantly reinvent themselves.

Supporting the development of such profiles is The Social Work "la Caixa" that presents the Young Entrepreneurs Project, an educational proposal designed for Secondary and Baccalaureate students that aims to awaken and boost entrepreneurial skills in school. We have talked recently about the Obra Social and the eduCaixa program. In general, the objective is to promote excellence in education with innovative and dynamic initiatives that generate high value for students and teachers.

KitCaixa Young Entrepreneurs is an educational proposal that aims to arouse entrepreneurial skills in students, promoting their personal growth and enhancing their capacity for initiative. This program will reach schools through a kit designed to students from 14 to 18 years old and organized in 6 modules with 2 sessions each, with those who will learn the concept of entrepreneurship and put into practice the values ​​of an entrepreneurial attitude. The aim of the 12 sessions is for students to learn to see the world with the eyes of an explorer, discover problems and opportunities, and create value, business and occupation. These programs involve volunteers who are professionals of the "la Caixa" Group and who have to advise the teams with their experience.

The challenge is that 362 schools throughout Spain receive this kit and conduct the 12 sessions with different themes to get children to develop an entrepreneurial attitude. During these sessions, students will work in teams to carry out a total of 1,100 business projects in which 800 professionals from the ”la Caixa” group will participate, offering advice and experience.

As we said at the beginning of the article this entrepreneurship is serious and it is necessary to make us aware that large companies are not going to give work to everyone, not even other countries will be able to generate work for all trained young people who want to emigrate. So the challenge is change the mindset, reinvent ourselves and build new worker profiles in Spain. This is a program that will try and to which we wish many successes.

Video: YumaPuff Parrot 80W Cigarette Electronique, package complet pour la vap (July 2024).