11 myths about breastfeeding that we must banish at once

Breastfeeding (and parenting in general) is surrounded by numerous myths and beliefs. Although some of them have been transmitted from mothers to daughters and are deeply rooted in certain cultures, it has been proven that they have no scientific basis and we must banish them.

There is no doubt that breastfeeding has multiple health benefits for mother and baby, but beliefs that are not true continue to spread. Then we leave you 11 of the most frequent myths about breastfeeding that you should not believe.

1. You have to breastfeed every three hours

This is one of the most entrenched patterns in our environment and is likely to be what they told our mothers and even our grandmothers. Can you imagine that we were forced to always eat every three hours? And if we are hungry before we can't peck a little? Maybe we have had less breakfast and now we fancy a lunch before? And if we have had a siestón and we are so comfortable, do they have to wake us up so we can eat?

Breast milk is digested very quickly and, especially the first few days, newborns need to take very frequent breastfeeding: between 8 and 12 shots per day, sometimes even more. If we consider that they are still learning to breastfeed, they get tired, they fall asleep in the middle ... and the shot can be extended up to an hour at the beginning, do you see that it is feasible to breastfeed every three hours? These frequent shots are essential for the proper establishment of breastfeeding.

Remember that The more the baby sucks, the more milk we will produce. In addition, the first six months of life, breast milk (or failing formula) covers all your needs, both for nutrients and for hydration. So it is likely that in times of warmer demand the shots more frequently: sometimes they will be hungry, sometimes thirsty.

Summarizing: breastfeeding (or artificial) does not have to be every three hours but on demand: whenever the baby wants.

In Babies and more "I don't have enough milk": the great concern of nursing mothers, and how to solve it

2. Breastfeeding hurts

It is common to hear that breastfeeding hurts at first, that it is normal for cracks to come out or that we have to "shut up" first so that it does not hurt. Nothing of this is true: Breastfeeding should not hurt.

The first few days may bother you a little, because of the hypersensitivity of the nipple or because it is a new, different sensation, but if breastfeeding hurts it is that the baby's hitch is not suitable.

In a baby who is well hooked, the nipple is attached to the palate and well behind, and the tongue makes an undulating movement over the breast and areola to pump the milk; In this way it does not injure the nipple, which must maintain its rounded-square shape at the end of the shot. If cracks appear or breastfeeding is painful, we should consult: it is likely that our baby is not well hooked.

3. You have to eat for two

Nursing mothers invest about 700kcal in producing milk. Of these, 500kcal are obtained from milk and the rest of the deposits generated during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, we must make a healthy and varied diet, but it is not necessary that we eat for two, but eat according to our feeling of hunger.

4. Not all milks feed the same

Breast milk is the best food for all babies. With few exceptions (due to extreme malnutrition or illness of the mother) all milks have a very similar composition.

Each mother produces the best milk for her baby. In addition, breast milk has the peculiarity of change its composition depending on the age of the baby and throughout a blowjob. Thus, colostrum (produced during the first 2-3 days of life) has a higher protein content and less fat and lactose than mature milk. And mothers who give birth to premature babies produce a different milk than those who give birth to full-term babies, with a higher protein content and lower lactose, and with more immunoglobulin A and more lactoferrin, because that is what they need Your babies in those moments.

In general, breast milk provides about 67kcal / 100 ml (62-70kcal / 100ml). Proteins and carbohydrates remain fairly stable, with fats being the most variable component, both among women and throughout an intake (milk at the end of the intake may contain up to 2-4 times more fat than milk). initial milk). In any case, these amounts of fat, with their variations, are nutritionally appropriate for any infant.

In Babies and more "My breastfeeding was not easy": seven testimonies of mothers who make visible the problems that may arise with breastfeeding

5. Colostrum does not work, you have to wait for the milk to rise

In some cultures it is thought that colostrum, the milk of the first 2-3 days, is impure and should not be taken by the baby. And once it was common to offer other products to the baby because it was thought that "Colostrum was not enough food".

Nothing is further from reality; Colostrum is very rich in immunoglobulins and other defensive cells, creating immediate protection for the newborn. It is also rich in proteins, fat-soluble vitamins and some minerals such as sodium and zinc and contains less fat and less lactose than mature milk, which makes it easy for the newborn to digest.

In Babies and more The composition of breast milk at each stage of growth: this adapts to the needs of the baby

6. There are foods that should not be taken if you are breastfeeding

Some foods that mothers eat give more flavor to breast milk than others (for example, garlic or asparagus) but it doesn't mean they can't take them; The nursing mother should eat a varied and healthy diet. Likewise, you can take foods that generate gases (eg legumes), because the gas does not pass through the milk.

7. It is convenient to alternate the breasts every 20 minutes

Breastfeeding is on demand: when the baby wants and for as long as he wants. Until he releases, we must not change his chest. The first part of the blowjob is more watery and richer in carbohydrates and the final part, richer in fat; should let the baby empty the chest well. Only with one breast are we able to breastfeed (as in the case of twins or breast surgery).

In Babies and more The 'aguachirri' produced by women in their breasts from 6-12 months provides more energy than cow's milk

8. Mothers with a small breast will have little milk

Unless we suffer from breast hypoplasia, breast size is not an indicator of the amount of milk we will be able to produce. Every mother has the best breast for her baby.

9. During breastfeeding you have to drink a lot of water and a lot of milk

During breastfeeding we must follow a healthy and varied diet. We should not increase fluid intake, we should drink when we are thirsty. Increasing excess fluid intake can, paradoxically, decrease milk production.

There are also no foods or natural remedies to increase production; There is no scientific basis to affirm it. Frequent and on-demand breastfeeding with the correct technique is the best galactogogue. Maternal self-confidence also plays an important role.

10. From the year on, breast milk no longer feeds

WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and subsequently accompanied by other foods up to two years or more. Breast milk remains the ideal food also from the year. The fat content of breast milk is greater after 12 months.

11. It is advisable to take out the milk to see how much the baby takes

The baby has a much more powerful suction than the breast pump, so what we extract does not reflect what the baby takes. The best indicator that a baby is eating well is weight gain.

Babies usually lose between 4 and 6% of their weight and up to 10% the first days of life. Approximately from the fifth day until four months of age, your weight increases around 150 to 200 grams per week.

If the baby pees several times a day (an abundant, clear and regular pee), it is a sign that the baby is healthy, well fed and hydrated.

In Babies and more If your baby is breastfeeding, these are the keys that will help you verify that you are well fed

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