Are anti-inflammatories dangerous in pregnancy?

When we talk about medications in pregnancy, the recommendation is to use them only if they are really necessary because of the possible effects they may have on the fetus.

The point is that sometimes the woman takes them without knowing that she is pregnant and as usual, concerns about her risks arise. The anti-inflammatory They are among the most used, therefore we will talk if they are dangerous or not in pregnancy.

It is a rather controversial issue as there are several studies with conflicting conclusions about the safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, rofecoxib and celecoxib.

While there are studies that relate taking anti-inflammatory drugs at the beginning of pregnancy with an increased risk of abortion, according to a new paper published in the journal Canadian Medical Association Journal, anti-inflammatories during the first three months of pregnancy do not involve an independent risk factor for spontaneous abortion.

They studied the data of 65,457 women, of whom 4,495 had taken anti-inflammatories during the first three months of pregnancy and observed that "among women who had consumed NSAIDs in the first phase of pregnancy abortion occurred in 8.2% of cases, compared to 10% of the group of pregnant women who did not use these drugs. "

NSAIDs are classified as type B medications According to the FDA's classification of pharmacological risks, this means that it has been shown that animals have no harmful effects, but no studies have been done in humans.

What It is not recommended to take them from the 30th week of gestation, when they happen to be classified as type D medications, that is to say that they can have detrimental effects, since it is associated with an increased risk of reducing the amount of amniotic fluid and can increase the chances of pulmonary hypertension in the baby. It is also believed that they can cause liver and kidney damage in the fetus.

In view of all this, during the first trimester of pregnancy, the period of highest risk of abortion should be avoid any medication.

If it cannot be resolved with natural remedies, the recommendation if there is pain or a mild disorder is take paracetamol (category A drug, tested in pregnant women and considered safe) before an anti-inflammatory, and this always has to be recommended by the doctor.

Video: Anti-Inflammatories NSAIDs during Pregnancy & Breastfeeding for Pain Relief (July 2024).