"Without violence, education is better," a UNICEF project to curb child abuse

"Without violence, education is better” is a UNICEF campaign that seeks to raise awareness about the problem of child abuse in the family environment, which is mainly developed in Paraguay but which we can access from all over the world.

A few days ago we were talking about a guide against child abuse that arises from this project and its website, which we also recommend, is still providing information to fathers and mothers on how to educate without resorting to violence whether physical or psychological.

It is a way to raise awareness about child abuse in the family and its negative impact on people. As a result of the campaign that has been carried out for some time, hopeful data has been obtained in this regard.

In Paraguay, six out of ten children suffer some type of domestic violence according to a study. Of these, 35% said they received severe physical violence, 13% mild physical violence and 13% said they had experienced psychological violence.

The number of people who accept the possibility of educating without violence After receiving this campaign, it went from 76.6% to 88.9%. And families rethink and analyze their own way of educating their children, also changing it in a high percentage.

But this is not an exclusive situation of the Latin American country. According to the United Nations, every year, between 133 and 275 million girls and boys are victims of violence within their homes, precisely (and paradoxically) in that area that should provide them with love and protection.

The consequences of child abuse are very serious in the short, medium and long term, so all help is little to stop this scourge, which could be perpetuated between generations if it is not acted upon.

However, there are many families in which abuse occurs and that are impervious to this type of information, either because it does not reach them, or because they continue to act as they have been doing. Therefore, the environment cannot silence if it witnesses abuse and justice must act.

The whole society is involved in this issue, or it should be. That's why make the information accessible to more people as intended the UNICEF project "Without violence is better educated" It seems important to us, and also to comment it through the blog with all of you

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