The parents' response to the payment for picking up the kids later

I have seen this story reproduced in other media, now I have seen it in Miguel Ariño's blog. He tells how in a nursery school in Australia, parents made the effort to pick up the children at five in the afternoon, which was the time of departure. If ever, something that happened very sporadically, some parents were late, in the nursery they took care of the child until his parents came. There were collaboration both sides. One year in the nursery school they decided to impose an economic penalty every time a family was late. Y the opposite happened to what was intended, the parents came later more frequently to pick up the child and preferred to pay the penalty.

Miguel's interpretation is clear: the rules of the game had been changed. He went from thinking about the interest of others to see what each family was most interested in every moment. Collaboration was no longer possible and each family had in their pocket ways to circumvent the rules.

And it is that parents have to collaborate and trust a little in what we do and in how we interact in and with schools. We have to cooperate and think that when a model of punishments and rewards is implanted, it is most likely that the trust between all participants will be broken and we will all be harmed.