Taking advantage of childbirth for surgery is a mistake many celebrities make

A famous woman comes out of the clinic where she has given birth and everyone is surprised because she looks great. Then, as the days go by, he appears in a photo session and it seems that he has not had any children, because he has a body with little or no trace of having born a baby and the headlines emphasize the speed with which he has recovered the figure.

How is that possible? Well, some because since they have the baby they focus on losing weight quickly and strengthening with a lot of exercise, others because they are like this and others because they have the baby by caesarean section and take advantage of the intervention to get the necessary cosmetic touch-ups, something that it is an error because of the unnecessary risk to which they are exposed.

Diet and exercise

The healthiest way to lose weight and recover the figure after pregnancy is through a balanced diet and exercise. And if you add breastfeeding, even better, because producing and giving milk spends a lot of calories throughout the day.

Those that by genetics remain the same when giving birth

I do not know if there are many or few, but there are women like that, and to show a button, my button, which is my wife, who in her pregnancies never got to earn more than 10 kgs, and it was not precisely for eating little, because I ate what is not written. But look, he gained little weight, gave birth, and I was immediately as usual Without doing anything to get it.

"You make me a cesarean and, by the way, you leave me great"

And the other option is to give birth by caesarean section and take advantage of anesthesia and intervention to leave you the best possible. But it's a mistake. As we have been able to read in El Mundo, from the Nisa Hospitals they declare that to do this is to increase the risks of something going wrong, simply by putting beauty before a natural process:

Being able to have a natural birth, choosing caesarean section is always a mistake (caesarean section is still a major surgery and, as such, involves some risks, in addition to a greater recovery than in a natural birth) ... Caesarean section involves surgical stress for the mother who should not be aggravated with any other elective intervention. It is not an advantage in any terms, but to add unnecessary risk. In addition, it is best to wait for the tissues to recover, biologically, their shape and position, to know how much must be corrected to obtain an accurate result.

And they suggest that the right thing is wait at least 6 months so that everything is more settled and surgery can be carried out with more guarantees of success and less risk.

But of course, how funny is it to leave 6 months after giving birth with a good body in the photos? None, many celebrities will think. In 6 months with perseverance and dedication you can have achieved it by other means, and if they have seen you in one way and then they see you in another way, it is clear that you have operated.

In reference to the risks, I want to explain something else. The famous choose caesarean section to take advantage of the time of the intervention and do other things, but they also do it to choose the day. We know that a baby is considered full term after 37 weeks, but that they are usually born near 40, sometimes even more. Many famous they choose a day to give birth much closer to 37 than 40-41 because they save a month of pregnancy, weight gain and belly giving of itself.

For them a caesarean section is indifferent before or after, but for babies we know that no. It is not the same to be born in week 37 than in week 42 and therefore it is not recommended to give birth by maternal decision, if it also responds to a question of aesthetics.

Recover the figure as soon as possible, for what?

I've talked about this on more than one occasion, but I do it again because I have a hard time understanding the need to recover the figure as soon as possible. Every woman who does what she wants, eye, whatever makes her feel better, but since I don't see men doing bikini operations, or putting on makeup, or putting on a thousand creams, or going to the hair, or ... (some are, eye, but they are still a minority), I find it hard to understand the constant need of women to look prettier than they are.

And I no longer speak of everyday life, without pregnancy or baby, that too, but above all that moment in which a creature totally dependent on your life and your world arrives and damn grace if you have to start thinking about losing no I know how many kilos, stop eating I don't know what and get to exercise with how tired you are.

I have the theory that the kilos you gain pregnant are to lose them as a mother, with breastfeeding, with fatigue, with caring for a child, etc., but many seem in a hurry to lose them and some, as we have seen, try to make them disappear from minute 1. Of course, what a strange society this is in the that we live. I am still waiting for my spaceship to return to my home planet, whatever it is.

Video: Woman Secretly Records Her Doctors Insulting Her During Surgery (July 2024).