
Percentil is the first second-hand children's clothing store on the Internet

Percentil is the first second-hand clothing store for children on the Internet. It offers almost new clothes that they buy and select themselves. For this, they photograph and sell again through their online store with prices 70% cheaper than the original store price. It is a very timely option for the current situation, although it seems to me that it may have continuity over time once we get used to buying on the Internet more frequently.

In summer children receive twice as many toys as a few years ago

I remember when I was little, how I looked forward to summer vacations because I knew that, after a good grade from school, I was going to have a special gift. Well, a special gift. It could be a coloring book with some great new markers, a beach mat, some board game… I was happy and of course the toys had just been smashed at the end of the summer, but it had been worth it, besides all the kids in the We used the beach to lend those games.

The Leoteca reader community for parents, teachers and children turns two months old

In Leoteca they are very happy with their 1,000 users, and growing, they are already contributing so that the first reading community for children, parents and teachers on children's and youth literature in Spanish is encouraged and energized with contents and news full of interest. From Leoteca, and using an interesting newsletter, they inform us that there are raffles, a selection of books to read during these coming months and access to the author of the month.

Video: "The toughest job in the world" (but we want it)

The video that tells us about the hardest work in the world is being shared these days. One in which they have invented a job and offer it to several people in a real job interview, through videoconferencing. The working conditions are not favorable, they are inhuman and illegal according to several of the interviewees, who do not give credit to someone who could accept a job like this: 24 hours, full availability, no right to rest or free time, no salary ... Can you imagine what work it is?

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