Children of smoking parents are more prone to obesity

On the negative effects of smoking in pregnancy is not discussed, however the exposure of children to tobacco in early childhood does not cause the same rejection, even when there are studies that show that it is almost as harmful as the above.

According to data collected in the Longitudinal Study of Child Development conducted in Quebec, among one of the many damages of tobacco in childhood, children of smoking parents are more prone to obesity. They have found that children exposed to tobacco have a wider waist and a higher body mass index compared to those who are not exposed.

Specifically, the habits of 2,055 families were analyzed. At 10 years, children of smoking parents who had been exposed intermittently or continuously to tobacco smoke were likely to have waists up to almost 2 centimeters wider that his classmates and a BMI between 0.48 and 0.81 points higher.

The researchers explained that the tobacco that children receive early could be influencing endocrine, cardiovascular imbalances and also altering the functioning of neurological development in this critical period of development.

Video: Obesity & Cancer Full Program (May 2024).