Highlights in Babies and more: from July 27 to August 2

Today Monday, as every week, we bring you a summary with the highlights of the week, marked by topics such as holiday safety, breastfeeding, chickenpox vaccine and other topics that may interest us now that we are having a very hot summer with the kids.

A couple of months ago we announced that the Ministry of Health proposed to include the chickenpox vaccine in the common calendar and this week we could confirm that it will take effect as of 2016. Despite the good news it implies, the OCU issued a statement in which it stands against, so we analyze the why and the factors to consider before making the decision to vaccinate or not.

Now that we are in the middle of the holiday season it is important to take into account minimum safety aspects and not let our guard down at any time. Aspects that have always been talked about but rarely contrasted, as if children can bathe after eating or have to wait, or if we can continue with the colecho even under high temperatures. Another of the situations that can occur during this time is the variation of the weight of our children, so it is vital to take into account their routine and the food they need according to all the activities they are doing.

Continuing with the theme 'health', this week we met a study that states that children with greater emotional intelligence have less attention problems than their peers with a lower emotional understanding, in addition to an interesting video from the World Health Organization It reminds us of the importance of going to the doctor in case of earache.

Newborns have also been protagonists this week. We asked what changes the newborn faces when leaving his mother's womb, and we gave you some basic tips for new mothers that can be very useful, especially considering the great change in the routine that the family experiences Once he leaves the hospital. We also remember that World Breastfeeding Week starts, a great initiative that is celebrated in many countries of the world and to which Babies and More joins remembering their goals, since much remains to be done to achieve greater normalization.

Finally in our 'shopping' section, we suggest a selection of products to enjoy the water with our children and also a list of bathtubs of different characteristics for those who are close to having a baby and are evaluating the option that suits you best.

We hope that this week that begins the contents of Babies and more you find interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: SMB vs ROS lCourtside! lFull Game Highlights lEpic Comeback!! l 29 July 2019 (July 2024).