The 10 best and worst countries to be a mother

The Save The Children organization has published a report of the best and worst countries to be a mother. The report is the product of the analysis of 125 countries around the world, including developed and developing countries.

The factors considered are: mother's risk of death, percentage of women using contraceptive methods, births with adequate care, percentage of pregnant women with anemia, instruction of the female population, female participation in government, infant mortality rate, unemployment rate, access to drinking water and nutrition problems in the child population.

The 10 best to be a mom are Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Germany, Norway, Australia, Holland, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. The 10 worst are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Central African Republic, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.

The quality of life of children depends largely on the well-being and health of their mother, so in those countries where mothers have little or no access to health care, education and economic progress, children have a low probability of survive

Video: 10 Worst countries to for Mothers 2015 (July 2024).