Diary of my pregnancy: the second trimester

everybody says that the second three months of pregnancy They are the ones that women enjoy the most. And in my case it is totally successful, both in this and in my first pregnancy.

About to turn 23 weeks (the second trimester is between week 14 and 28) I can say that I feel full, both physically and emotionally.

The discomforts have disappeared, the gut, although growing by leaps and bounds, is still discreet (can be seen in the photo) and does not prevent me from living a normal life, except for some other necessary extra rest.

I feel more active and vital. The emotional ups and downs of the first quarter have been placated. Insecurities have dissipated and anxieties leave room for enjoyment.

Even, between the day-to-day work, attending to a 21-month-old girl and work, there are times when I forget that I am pregnant until I pass in front of a mirror or a shop window and I see the gut reflected in the glass. The peace of mind that everything is going well after the prenatal check-ups makes the second stage of pregnancy more relaxed, added to the fact that we begin to have contact with the baby.

At this point the baby is already able to hear and recognize the voices that surround him. Surely, in addition to those of mom and dad, he will already thoroughly recognize that of his older sister who screams like a calf.

We have already experienced good family contacts. Her sister is responsible for stimulating her through the method of pedreretas. Every night he makes stubs to the gut and the little girl reacts with kicks and movements inside the belly. He doesn't know what awaits him outside!

Without a doubt, one of the things I enjoy most about pregnancy and especially at this stage, are the movements of the baby inside me.

It is such an exciting and intimate contact that it is difficult to explain. I feel accompanied at all times, they make me stronger while giving me security.

And although I am dying to have her in my arms and see her face in person (so far I could only see her in 3D echo), now her thing is to grow, gain weight and mine and the rest of the family is to continue enjoying what It is waiting.

Video: Pregnancy Fitness and Food: You Dont Need to Eat for Two. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).