A woman with a double uterus gives birth to three babies

A young british girl 24 year old was born with a wombThis is a malformation of the uterus that is characterized by having a double uterus, that is, it has a wall of tissue inside the uterus (called a septum) that divides it into two cavities. Doctors told him there was little chance she would get pregnant in both wombs, but last September gave birth to three girls by caesarean section.

According to experts, this case may be unique in the world, in the last hundred years only seventy women have become pregnant by a uterus, but they conceived a baby in each womb. The British mother, Hanna Kersey, managed two babies in one womb and the third in the other. The first to be born were the two that were together, and the three had to remain admitted for nine weeks before being discharged, since they were born prematurely.

When Hanna got pregnant, the doctors warned her that she had three options, abort the three fetuses, abort the twins and stay with only one baby or stay with everyone taking the risk, fortunately the decision was the right one, she could not end to the life of any of her babies, and now she is happy that she has three happy and healthy girls.

Video: Woman With 2 Wombs Gives Birth To 2 ! Double Dose of Uterus (June 2024).