Original soft floors to play

The time comes when the floor is the companion of the little ones who begin to be able to sit and crawl. A large place to play, but also cold and quite prone to getting dirty. So a floor of this type seems great for me the children are more comfortable playing at their leisure.

Playspot is a smooth surface that can be adapted to the spaces because it is made up of pieces that we can combine creating the shape that suits us, as a puzzle, through connecting pieces in the form of "X". It is also easier to save.

The foam with which it is carpet It’s crafted to support the weight of children of all ages, and one thing I liked is the softness of the colors With which it is manufactured. Away from the stridence that we usually see in the activity blankets, they are more discreet while warm tones, and this will also not make the children a little older or in our living room.

In addition, they also have additional pieces They are sold separately in case we want to expand the floor and invent new designs.

Official Site | Skip Hop On Babies and more | Playing on the blanket of activities In Babies and more | An ideal floor for children's room

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