The industrialization of births

The term "industrialization" to talk about births today is by Michael Odent, a prestigious French precursor gynecologist and a great advocate of natural childbirth.

Basically, his philosophy claims to set aside medicalized deliveries to accommodate physiological deliveries. He is the same one who wondered if we will survive the caesarean sections by ironing on the great increase in this practice in recent years.

Without going any further, in Spain the cesarean section rate is more than 20% of the total deliveries when the WHO (World Health Organization) places the recommended rate at 10%, half.

Faced with this extreme scientification of birth, the French doctor dIt supports the need to adopt a physiological approach to childbirth.

He advocates reducing the use of medications and interventions, both for caesarean sections and episiotomies, as well as artificial substances, and for this he believes that the leading role of that special moment must be given back to women, giving birth by their own means.

In the Suavinex professional days in which he has participated in recent months, he has said that “after thousands of years of hypercontrolled deliveries and deeply disturbed by different cultural media, we work very little to rediscover the basic needs of the woman who gives light and the basic needs of the newborn ”.

The woman's body is perfectly programmed to give birth, I have no doubt about that. At the time of giving birth a hormonal mechanism is launched that triggers labor. Odent criticizes the use of drug substitutes such as synthetic oxytocin and epidural anesthesia that alter the natural course of childbirth, disabling or pretending to replace the so-called “love hormones” (oxytocin, endorphins, prolactin, vasopressin) that the mother's body secretes from natural form.

This does not mean that we should reject the medical advances we currently have, but it is necessary to rethink what the act of giving birth is becoming.

Personally, I believe that we have hit bottom bringing childbirth to inhuman extremes, never better, with absolute lack of humanity.

However, I believe, or at least I want to believe, that a new mentality is being generated to rescue the birth of industrialization into which it has fallen lately.

Video: Why China Ended its One-Child Policy (July 2024).