A few days in the snow with the children

Many families are fond of winter sports and do not resign themselves to stop enjoying a few days in the snow with the children. However, the trip to the mountains and the snow requires some essential precautions that we will collect in tips We hope you find them useful and make your stay more pleasant.

First, travel preferably by train. A very long and winter trip, especially with children, is exhausting and if we can avoid it by hiring a trip that facilitates transport without the need of our own vehicle and at the same station, we will all be out winning in safety and tranquility. We may think that going by train may be less practical but we will arrive much more rested and with children in a good mood, that the trip also counts on the final fun.

Another good idea is not to rush into skiing the first day without stopping. A little, to acclimatize us too, it will be beneficial and spend the rest of the day placing belongings and knowing the facilities, restaurants and other places that we may need. It will be a pleasant walk with less stress.

The little children they can go to the mountain, perfectly up to 1800 meters, but we must always have a slow ascent to give them time for their body to acclimatize at the lowest pressure. Of course, even if they do not have the age to ski, if they can enjoy playing with the snow or in the sled, or simply walking on the back of the warm parents in their backpack.

If our child is still a baby, we can also take him, but first we have to confide some essential health issues. First of all, babies who suffer from anemia or who have heart problems, even if they are mild, should not be taken at high altitudes, since adaptation to the lower amount of oxygen in the air can make their acclimatization inadequate. Nor can we take it if it is already bad and especially if you have an earache, since it can increase with the change of pressure and turn a mild pain into something unbearable.

Parents will want to ski and that plan does not include babies and young children. The best option is that the little one always stays with someone trustworthy for him, that grandparents, a babysitter come or that parents take turns not to leave him alone.

In the stations there is usually a Babycare service, but it is not always the best solution. If our child does not usually stay with strangers even if he goes to the nursery, he may not be happy in a new space, no matter how nice the caretakers are. Children under three years of age, who are not able to communicate by talking, will have a hard time having fun at a station nursery, they may cry a lot and may not be able to adapt.

We will have to wear enough clothes, and prioritize the garments that, in order to change it, will not force us to undress it completely, to avoid being cold at that time.

If we decided to use the nursery to see the child happy, it would not make much sense to leave him for more than two or three hours. Coming to the snow to spend the day with strangers is not the best vacation plan for a child.

With respect to cold We have to take precautions. Babies can get cold quickly in an icy environment no matter how warm we take them if we neglect. And in general, children, with their games, can get wet or get loose, so you have to be attentive and with change clothes always ready.

Children's hands and feet are more fragile than ours and should always be covered properly, as well as the head with a hat and scarf.

He Sun reflection In the snow it is very intense, so the eyes must also be protected with appropriate glasses and, if the child takes it off all the time, put on a cap with a visor and limit his time to stay under such intense light. You also have to pay close attention to possible sunburn and scrupulously apply a sunscreen sunscreen and a special lip cream.

From the age of three they can learn to stand on the skis and start moving. So we are going to have to be alert, because danger is something that they are not able to calibrate safely.

Finally, regarding your feeding, keep in mind that cold and exercise will burn many more calories than usual. In addition to the main meals we have to ensure that they have a full breakfast with dairy, hydrates and fruit, reinforcing it at mid-morning with some food rich in sugars and proteins so that they have all that fuel they will burn.

With these tips I hope the stay in the snow with the children It is very fun for everyone. You will tell us.