How children should wash their hands

Since they are very young, we must teach them the importance of hand washing. It is an indispensable habit for the health of our children because it helps prevent diseases and infections, so it will be very useful for them let's teach children how to wash their hands.

The sooner they learn to wash their hands, the more incorporated they will be in their daily hygiene habits.

If they are very small you can buy a stool so that they reach the sink comfortably and teach them to call you to open the tap. Buy them a liquid soap with dispenser so that they can put a few drops in the palm of your hand and follow the following instructions for handwashing.

The wash should last between 40 and 60 seconds.

You must first wet your hands, place soap in the palm of your hand (enough but not abusing, a couple of drops for the size of your hands will be fine) and start by rubbing the palms of each other and also with interlaced fingers.

Then clean the backs of both hands with the palm of the opposite hand, also cleaning between the fingers.

Do not forget the big toe. It is cleaned by taking it between the fingers of the opposite hand and making a smooth rotation movement. Repeat with the other hand.

In case of dirt under the nails or at least once a day, clean them with a nail brush (make it soft, there are some very cool children).

Once they have finished lathering it is very important that they are rinsed thoroughly to remove the remains of dirt and dead cells (if soap bubbles remain, it is not valid).

Then they should dry very well. At home they will surely do it with a washbasin towel (which incidentally must be washed frequently), but when they are away from home it is advisable to use a single-use paper towel.

When they have dried well, ideally if they are old enough to close the tap alone, they do so using the paper towel so as not to bring clean hands into contact with the germs that the tap might have.

This process should be repeated several times a day: before eating, before and after using the bathroom, after touching animals, before touching a baby and whenever they are dirty, which speaking of children is quite common.

Video: Proper Hand Washing Technique (July 2024).