"My child does not speak well," about childhood language disorders

Sometimes we worry too much about how our children speak when there really is no problem, other times unnoticed disorders that should be solved as soon as possible. These types of questions have an answer in the book "My child does not speak well", written by speech therapist and psychologist Mariana Vas, to learn more about childhood language disorders.

To better understand the process of learning to talk about children and accompany them in that process, it is important that we take into account alarm signs such as: frequent loss of voice, talk with difficulty, eat with an open mouth, frequent choking, among others.

Many symptoms respond to true disorders that require the attention of a specialist, while others are part of the natural language acquisition process.

In "My child does not speak well" Parents can find answers to questions we have all asked ourselves, such as: Is it normal for my child not to speak well with his age? Why do you use so many gestures but don't emit any sound? Does it help language comprehension to read a story every night?

The author also gives simple tips to improve speech in children, but above all to learn to listen to them and improve communication between parents and children.

It is a highly recommended reading, with a preface by pediatrician Carlos González, that will help us to dramatize and better understand the process of language acquisition in our children.