What gifted children think of school

This video, made by the association FANJAC, shows us, directly, first hand, the experiences and opinions of a group of gifted children who tell us what they think of school.

I must say that many of his opinions are those that I gathered about the failure of the educational system recently and that, in addition, I am convinced that they are applicable to all students.

Their experiences on the pedagogical system make them describe it as boring, repetitive, excessively focused on meaningless memorization and lack of interest in the subjects. This, unfortunately, causes many to suffer school failure, because they feel great frustration and demotivation. And the situation worsens if we find a case of double exceptionality.

In addition, they tell us the lack of empathy of teachers towards their needs and even the teasing they suffer and the lack of response to their concerns. I believe that there is a great lack of knowledge about the emotions of gifted children and that they suffer daily.

The opinions of gifted children about school They are very critical: they want teachers to stop considering them weird and give them real support, that adaptations are made with discretion and that, if they pass the course, they do so by helping them to integrate. And, of course, they ask for agendas that arouse their interest and allow them to know new things.

They ask for more patio hours, small classes adapted to the level and interests of the children, they want them not to be repeated what others decide to say.

They also have some good experiences in specific situations: let them ask, do dynamic classes, propose interesting and creative works, make outings in the classroom. And some very painful, such as bullying, of which gifted children are habitual victims.

Parents have it clear, if you want you can, it is not a question of resources, but of will, and explain how in schools or doing homeschooling they have achieved it. If you want to know what gifted children think of school Do not miss this video.

Video | Youtube
More information | FANJAC
In Babies and more | Sample questionnaire to detect gifted children, Features that define gifted children, Read with three years

Video: Gifted children (July 2024).