'What you should know about diabetes in pediatric age'. Book to download

The Diabetes Foundation develops a very important function in terms of prevention, treatment and improvement of the quality of life of those affected. From their website they carry out dissemination and education, and if your family has a little diabetic, I recommend the section dedicated to children and adolescents.

Today I wanted to bring you this publication that you found on the web, called 'What you should know about diabetes in the pediatric age', to offer support and guidance to families with children with diabetes. It is edited by the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality. It is an interesting book because of its contents and the way in which the disease is explained.

Numerous images are used, as well as a clear, simple and very optimistic language

This third edition incorporates several new features as, for example, the advances that have appeared in the treatment of diabetes in recent years (new insulins and analogues, effects, types of control ...), the images have been modernized, the epidemiological data of diabetes have been updated and In addition, a section on puberty and adolescence and a new chapter focused on insulin pumps have been added.

You can access the publication here.