The engineering deployment of Reyes' morning

The magic night has arrived, finally the Kings appeared and left their precious treasures at home. We already have our children jumping in bed so that we will open the presents. "Quick, the Kings have come!" "Run!" That assuming they have decided to wait for us and not to tear papers.

And there you are, in the living room surrounded by boxes of different sizes and wrapped in colored papers with your children jumping from one place to another reviewing what their gifts are and see if this year they have brought everything they have ordered and you there , you take a deep breath and prepare to the engineering deployment of Reyes' morning.

I remember that back in the 80's that the day of Kings arrived and you went out pecking towards the hall, that was where they left the toys in my house and shouting we waited for our parents to appear to begin to open our gifts. Tear off the paper, that until I was older I never understood why my mother did not want us to break it, take the toy out of its box, an operation that could require parental help to cut a pair of ropes and everything ready, to play and enjoy all day

But now, Have you noticed how the toys are packed now? Sometimes I doubt if I have bought my son the toy he asked for or the Enterprise communications module.

Let's see, make it clear that I understand that all that is done is to improve security in transport and I suppose to prevent you from coming home home with half the toy, but is so much paraphernalia necessary? That morning, I don't exaggerate if I say I threw myself more than 15 minutes trying to get the truck from the garbage dumps and its complementary equipment from its packaging and all that with your son jumping on top of you to hurry you because he wants the coolest toy in the world, or something like that.

So every time you smell that there will be gifts in the box, you will arm yourself with screwdriver to open the battery compartments, the box with the 237 different types of batteries that exist in the market, pliers to cut the 18 wires that tie each piece to the cardboard, some scissors for the adesiva tape, a towel for sweat squirts and patience, a lot of patience because once you get free the toy from his prison and feel like a superhero comes the second part, ride it and this is when you laugh at how bad you had it when you rode the IKEA expedit.

Cold sweats enter me every time I think of birthdays, Reyes, Santa Claus, etc. Because between the pieces marked as "easy assembly" and your children who decide to play as mechanical mechanics at that time and each one puts himself on his side with the pieces that have been able to take off each other and more than half a dozen relatives and Friends who look at you expectantly to see how you do them as a parent, architect or engineer responsible for nuclear power plants that refuses to give up and why not recognize it, to read the assembly instructions. There you see them and you want them to mount the last ingenuity they have had to give to your son.

So if anyone can, I would ask that they include one of how to unpack toys without dying in the attempt in childbirth preparation classes. And how is your day?